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Tatweer Announces New Features to the Unified Inspection System Platform

Tatweer has reached the next milestone in the Unified Inspection System Platform by releasing the Performance Monitoring App. The UIS is a comprehensive audit and inspection platform, that coordinates the assessment procedures among different governmental agencies. UIS uses artificial intelligence, big data, and augmented reality technologies to empower the inspection team with a State-of-the-Art Smart Solution ensuring that the inspection and audit processes are carried out professionally. Targeting agency executives, the UIS Performance Monitoring App provides users with the ability of real-time on-site tracking for the performance of inspectors, establishments, and agencies by providing the following features:

  • A bird-eye view of UIS performance metrics for establishments and inspectors
  • A map view for the inspectors, visits, and violations geographical distribution
  • Drill down the Inspector and establishment performance measures, to the level of visits, complaints, and violation counts, status, and distribution over time.
  • Direct collaboration with establishments and inspectors; aiming for on-the-spot issues rectification and appreciating top performers.

Tatweer Announces New Features to the Unified Inspection System Platform