
Course Objective

This 1-day training focuses on the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the convergence of powerful technologies and their impact on businesses and their operations. The combined effects of technology and its free-falling cost are accelerating progress exponentially. But which will play the bigger role in impacting Sustainable Development Goals and boosting business competitiveness

Course Outline

1.What is the fourth Industrial Revolution

• Drivers and megatrends

• Historical context: 1st, 2nd, 3rd revolutions

2. New technologies

• Implantable technologies, wearable Internet • Digital presence • Vision as the new interface • Ubiquitous computing, a supercomputer in your pocket • Storage for all • The Internet of things • The connected home • Smart cities • Big data and analytics • Automated driving systems • Artificial intelligence and decision-making • Blockchain • Platforms, compatibility, standards and standardization in 4.0 technologies

3. Business model and business model innovation

• The importance of innovative ecosystems for Industry 4.0

• The sharing economy

• Vertical and horizontal networks integration and governance, supply chain management and optimization

4. Product and process design

• The shrinking gap between conception and implementation • Design and visualization • Advanced implementation techniques

5. The Potential Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

• Employment changes and preparing the next generation of workforce • Training and skills update of the workforce, potential changes in the job market, economic growth, the nature of work • Business, consumer expectations, data enhance products, collaborative innovation, new operating models • National and global, governments, countries, regions, and cities, international security • Society, inequality and equity, community • The individual, identity and ethics, human connections, managing public and private information

6. What could it mean for the UAE?

• Impact on selected sectors of the economy, specifically, transportation, health, social welfare, and manufacturing • An assessment of the likely impacts • Challenges and opportunities for international competition (e.g., outsourcing, reshoring, increased global competition, sustainable manufacturing, etc.)


Participants will gain an understanding of the following key areas:

  • The latest developments in how technological changes are changing our society and markets
  • Causal relationships with drivers of growth, who determine grassroots markets expansion
  • Detection of growth in a non-conventional way, by looking at peripheral factors of analysis
  • Challenges that will undermine our current socioeconomic order
  • Understanding the relationship between Fourth Industrial Revolution and new Business Modelling
  • Relationship among business, government and technology 
  • Enable participants to Sharpen their business acumen
  • Combine strategic thinking with entrepreneurial flair
  • Think not just “top-down” but also “bottom-up”
  • Develop appropriate responses to industry, markets and social trends, when challenged by technological changes
  • Integrate several disciplines in a cogent decision-making process
  •  Determine risk in a non-financial manner.