Provide comprehensive road safety training covering the fundamentals of road safety including measuring safety and the methods to solve safety problems.
Target a primary audience of transportation engineers and planners working in the public, private, and academic sectors.
Provide training for a variety of experience levels, through several course modules. Introductory topics meant for professionals with basic experience and more advanced topics meant for professionals with intermediate to advanced experience are covered.
Course Outline
The Extent and Nature of the Road Safety Problem: A Global Perspective
Road Safety: A Paradigm Shift
Fundamentals of Road Safety
Types of safety data (qualitative and quantitative) and their sources
Safety data collection, quality, and management
Methods of measuring safety
Collision Modification Factors (CMFs)
Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) and their application
Empirical Bayes (EB) method in road safety
Network screening and its main elements
Tools available for safety problem diagnosis
Countermeasure selection process
Economic appraisal
Project prioritization
Safety effectiveness evaluation
Foundations of Road Safety
Conventional Methods to Measure Safety
Advanced Methods to Assess Safety
Screening, Diagnosing, and Remedying Road Safety Problems
Economic Analysis, Periodization, and Evaluating Road Safety Countermeasures