High-Speed Weigh-In-Motion (HSWIM) Enforcement Systems

High-Speed Weigh-In-Motion (HSWIM) Enforcement Systems

High-Speed Weigh-In-Motion (HSWIM) Enforcement Systems


Integrated Transport Centre (ITC)



A fully operational high speed weigh in motion system capable of accurately and automatically measuring trucks/freight vehicle “in-motion” for enforcement purposes. 

Based on the weights, heights, length, width and plate number, obtained from the HSWiM screening, the system shall automatically monitor and start enforcement procedures for truck/freight vehicles that violate the regulations.

Main Scope

  • Monitor passage of overweight trucks.
  • Reducing road lifespan and maintenance costs.
  • Providing a reliable and accurate data on the weight, dimensions and types of truck using the road network.
  • Enforcement of regulations for illegally overloaded trucks.
  • Automatic violation / tickets for the over-height trucks.
  • Data collection for planning and management purposes.
  • Avoid damage to road infrastructure assets.